Body and mind sciences
M.A. in Psychology
Type of degree: Graduate degree, M.A.
Teaching system: D.M.270
Type of access: free access
Academic location: Turin
Language: Italian
The Master Degree Course in Body and Mind Sciences is an interdepartmental course of study which aims at forming a specific professional figure, capable of combining specialized psychological knowledge with medical knowledge.
The need to join psychological processes with physical and mental wellbeing is of primary importance both in the development of the current lines of research as well as in clinical and health, as well as public and private, professional contexts.
That is why a new figure of the psychologist is of fundamental importance, a figure that pays more attention to the soma and is competent in neuroscience, psychical phenomena that influence psychosomatic illness, as well as the course of medical treatment.
The scientific and academic approach of the program thus has the twofold goal of supplying concrete knowledge of modern scientific psychology along with some medical notions to be able to comprehend and investigate the multifarious relations between mind, brain and body.
In this light, particular attention is placed on recent results in the sphere of basic neurosciences and their relation to different forms of mental disorders (organic and degenerative, as well as clinical and psychiatric).Formative objectives
The formative curriculum thus develops within two disciplinary ambits:
- That of the psychological disciplines, wherein themes regarding general psychology, physiological psychology, psychometrics, clinical psychology and clinical neuropsychology are studied in depth.
- That of the medical disciplines, wherein the course offered mainly focus on basic neuroscience, cognitive and social neuroscience, pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, psychiatry and child neuropsychiatry.
Along with a wide range of interdisciplinary academic offerings, which include required as well as optional courses in both psychological and medical disciplines, the Master Program offers different occasions to learn through clinical practice and training experiences through the activation of different laboratories, in both psychological and medical ambits aimed at concretely illustrating processes necessary for the development of a research project, or in demonstrating the procedures and realization of protocols of intervention.
For the three years from 2024/2027 the President of the course of study is Francesca Garbarini, Professor in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology and the Vice President of the course of study is Irene Ronga, Researcher in General Psychology.
The didactic structure of reference is the Psychology Department: the course is activated in collaboration with the "Rita Levi Montalcini" Department of Neuroscience.
Description of formative program
The duration of the course is two years
The formative program focuses on diverse methodologies of research available both in psychometry and in the ambit of neuroscience (e.g. techniques of neuroimaging, transcranial magnetic stimulation, etc..), with the aim of providing the student with the necessary skills for doing research on the functional activities of the brain and the psychic functionality of the individual.
Because we pay particular attention to the exchange between didactics and theoretical and applied research, we place the focus on different experimental methodologies.
Lessons addressed at formation in deontology in the profession is also provided, it being fundamental for work in institutional and hospital contexts.
The interdisciplinary scientific formation and methodological competences acquired through the Graduate Degree in Body and Mind Sciences give the graduates the necessary tools to further their studies productively at schools of specialization in the fields of psychology, neuropsychology and Doctorates in the disciplines of psychology, neuropsychology and cognitive sciences.
Furthermore, the medical knowledge and interest concerning relationships between mental processes, cerebral disfunction and somatic illnesses should also permit the graduates to access to the professions of neuropsychologist and hospital psychologist (as an interface between the different hospital competences in the relation between Mind, Body and Brain).
This curriculum profile should in fact permit the graduate to find employment in public and private health structures, as well as make it possible for them to have access to a career in the ambit of scientific research, as well as further professional formative courses.
Expected learning results: Knowledge and comprehension
Students with a Graduate Degree in Body and Mind Sciences know, understand and are capable of critically analyzing advanced cultural and scientific material and aspects of cutting-edge research in the scientific-disciplinary sectors characterizing the field of study.
Such knowledge and competency in comprehension and critique include:
- In-depth knowledge and critical understanding of the origins, evolution and structure of psychological sciences;
- In-depth knowledge and critical understanding of the principal theories of referral on normal and pathological functioning of the mind/brain, paying particular attention to the ambit of general and experimental psychology, clinical neuropsychology and cognitive neurosciences;
- In-depth knowledge and critical understanding of the relative methodologies of experimental and clinical research and of the relative instruments of mathematical-statistical elaboration;
- In-depth knowledge and critical understanding of the key thematic areas in the ambits of general psychology, clinical neuropsychology and cognitive neurosciences;
- In-depth knowledge and critical understanding of epistemological problematics in psychology;
- In-depth knowledge and critical understanding in at least one thematic area for each disciplinary ambit mentioned above, in order to permit for access to a school of specialisation, a doctorate program or masters program which is inherent to the field of study with no need for further preparation.
In order to achieve such results, the course of study uses active didactic methodologies in the form of laboratories and on-site practical experiences which combine courses of theoretical and practical preparation in which advanced study materials, relative to the field of interest, are used.
The breadth and in-depthness of the acquisition of knowledge and capacity for understanding are evaluated:
- for each subject taught or didactic activity, through recognized forms of evaluation (exams, tests, etc,);
- through reports by laboratory teaching staff;
- through the final exam.
Knowledge and competency in critique in the clinical field include:
- in-depth knowledge and critical comprehension of the principal theoretical and applied thematics in clinical psychology, neuropsychology and psychiatry;
- knowledge of the principal instruments of diagnosis and intervention;
- in-depth knowledge and critical understanding in at least one thematic area for each disciplinary ambit mentioned above, in order to permit for access to a school of specialisation, a doctorate program or master program which is inherent to the field of study with no need for further preparation.
The breadth and in-depthness of the acquisition of knowledge and capacity for understanding are evaluated:
- for each subject taught or didactic activity, through recognized forms of evaluation (exams, tests, etc,);
- through reports by laboratory teaching staff in laboratories;
- through the final exam.
Competence in applying knowledge and comprehension
Competence in applying knowledge and comprehension concerning the area include:
- ability to analyze and critically discuss the principal cultural and scientific thematics belonging to the sectors of reference;
- the ability to produce theoretical connections between thematics belonging to different scientific-disciplinary sectors to solve unfamiliar problems (e.g. relations between mental events and cerebral events, relations between normal and pathological psychological functioning, etc.);
- the ability to use experimental, psychometric and statistical instruments;
- the ability to understand the use of such instruments in evaluating the normal and pathological functioning of the human brain;
the ability to apply knowledge and understanding is evaluated:
- for each subject taught or didactic activity, through recognized forms of evaluation (exams, tests, etc,);
- through reports by laboratory teaching staff;
- through the final exam.
Prerequisites and eligibility
In order to be admitted to the Master's Degree course in Body and Mind Sciences it is mandatory to:
- Hold either a Degree or a three (or more)-year University Diploma, or any other qualification acquired abroad that has been acknowledged as valid by the current legislation;
- Have passed a selection test consisting of questions about a series of basic subjects specified in the competitive examination announcement
In the end, remember that you must attach to the application the Statement of study languages.
List of required exams to be evaluated
Who can enter the admission test
1. Graduate students (*) and Degree holders in Psychological Sciences and Techniques Class L-34 as per Law 509, and Class L-24 as per Law 270, coming from any Italian or foreign University (for Degrees acquired abroad please refer to the University International Students Office).
2. Holders of a Master's Degree in Psychology acquired at any Italian or foreign University (for Degrees acquired abroad please refer to the University International Students Office).
3. Graduate students (*) and Degree holders (Bachelor's or Master's) in classes different from L-34 o L24 who have previously acquired at least 80 credits in psychology-related subjects. There must be at least four credits for each of the following scientific-disciplinary areas: M-PSI/01, M-PSI/02, M-PSI/03, M-PSI/04, M-PSI/05, M-PSI/06, M-PSI/07, M-PSI/08. Similar or equivalent subjects will not be deemed acceptable. Candidates must declare possession of at least 80 Credits on the online application form.
How to acquire credits
a) In the course of a three-year bachelor's degree course it is possible to include subjects allowing acquisition of credits necessary to sit the test. It is possible to include up to 20 Credits, besides the 180 already included in the curriculum (for further information, please refer to the Student Office). The Credits will be only acknowledged once each relevant exam has been taken and passed. The Credits used to meet the access requirements to a Master's Degree cannot be acknowledged as Credits pertaining to the Master's Degrees itself (Course Abridgement).
b) After a three-year Bachelor's Degree course has been completed, it is still possible to acquire credits by taking single courses pertaining to the Bachelor's Degree, up to a total of 30 Credits, which will be only acknowledged once each relevant exam has been taken and passed. The Credits used to meet the access requirements to a Master's Degree will not be taken into account for the final average score and cannot be acknowledged as Credits pertaining to the Master's Degrees itself (Course Abridgement).
(*) Pending actual acquirement of the Degree, graduate students will however be able to take the selection test and subsequently regularize their enrolment in the Master's Degrees course within the deadlines specified by the University for enrolment in free access Master's Degree Courses.
For further information, please refer to the Psychology Hub Office
All Graduate students(*) and Degree holders who want to enrol for the Master's Degree course in Body and Mind Sciences have to take the assessment test. The Application form to sit the test must be filled in exclusively online
- If you already are a student of Turin University, please press 'login' in the top right section of home page, click on the "Enrolment" menu, then on "Assessment test". Should you be requested to certify your Final Degree Mark and should this not yet have been uploaded to your online Grade Log, you may just attach a signed declaration to this effect.
- If you have never attended Turin University before you must register to the University Portal as a future student following the instructions. After your first access, click on the "Enrolment" menu, then on "Assessment test". Should you be requested to certify your Final Degree Mark and should this not yet have been uploaded to your online Grade Log, you may just attach a signed declaration to this effect.
For detailed info on pre-enrolment please refer to Unito pages. It is sufficient to have completed the pre-enrolment procedure to gain acces to the test. The pre-enrolment procedure is deemed complete when the system allocates a pre-registration number.
Competitive examination announcement
Please carefully study the competitive examination announcement relevant to the course of interest to you. It will provide all the information necessary to take the admission test (test date and format, consultation of ranking lists and enrolment confirmation).
For more information go to the page Free Access Master/Specialized Courses on
Test implementation
In order to be admitted to the test it is necessary to show a valid ID (preferably the same used for registration to the University portal) and the pre-registration payment receipt (it is also advisable to bring along the reminder printed upon completion of the online procedure).
Non-EU students will be required to show either a valid personal identification document or a regular residency permit or request thereof.
For non-EU students it will be taken for granted that they have taken and passed the Italian Language test as part of the verification of their personal preparation.
The test consists of 100 questions:
50 closed-ended general questions subdivided into:
- Psychometry questions;
- General Psychology questions;
- English Language questions.
50 closed-ended questions specific to Body and Mind Psychology, subdivided into:
- General Psychology questions;
- Neuroscience, Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology questions.
Test results
Any notice to the students, including the admission test results will be published on the University website.
Students who have been admitted but fail to enrol in the course First Year within the given deadline will be considered as quitters.
Students with physical or learning disabilities
All info pertaining to Test implementation for disabled candidates and candidates with SLD (Specific Learning Disabilities) is available on the Competitive Examination Announcement.
Academic Year 2022/2023
First Semester
- October 3 2022 - December 23 2022
Second semester
- February 13 2022 - June 1st 2023 (Courses and laboratories)
- Winter Session January 9 - February 10 2023
- Summer Session June 6 - July 22 2022
- Autumn Session September 1-29 September 2023
Laboratories Results
- June 10 2023 - September 2 2023
Edumeter Evaluation
- Evaluation I semester opens: December 1 2022
- Evaluation II semester opens : April 20 2023
Final thesis discussion and proclamation
- Autumn Season a.y. 2020-2021
Deadline for submitting the required documentation September 12 to October 3 2022
Graduation announcement November 2- 18 2022
- Special session a.y. 2021/2022
Deadline for submitting the required documentation: From January 9 ennaio 2023 to February 10 2023
Graduation announcement: March 6-24 2023 - First Summer session a.y. 2022/2023
Deadline for submitting the required documentation: From May 22 to June 16 2023
Graduation announcement: July 3-14 2023
Academic Year 2021/2022
First Semester
- October 1 2021 - December 22 2021
Second semester
- February 14 2022 - June 1st 2022 (Courses and laboratories) (from May 9 to June 1st glugno 2022 just for labs)
- Winter Session January 10 - February 12 2022
- Summer Session June 6 - July 22 2022
- Autumn Session From August 29 to September 30 September 2022
Laboratories Results
- June 4 2022 - September 3 2022
Edumeter Evaluation
- Evaluation I semester opens: December 1 2021
- Evaluation II semester opens : April 20 2022
Final thesis discussion and proclamation
- Autumn Season a.y. 2021-2022
Deadline for submitting the required documentation September 6 to October 1 2021
Graduation announcement November 2- 19 2021
- Special session a.y. 2021/2022
Deadline for submitting the required documentation: From January 10 to February 4 2022
Graduation announcement: From February 28 to March 18 2022 - First Summer session a.y. 2021/2022
Deadline for submitting the required documentation: From May 16 to June 17 2022
Graduation announcement: July 4-15 2022
Academic Year 2020/2021
- First semester (including make-up lessons)
October 1 – December 23 2020 - Second semester (including make-up lessons)
February 8 2021 to 31 May 2021
- Winter Session 7 January - 6 february 2021
Summer Session 3 June - July 24 2021
Autumn Session 1-30 September 2021
Laboratories Results
- June 5 2021
September 4 2021
Edumeter Evaluation
- Evaluation I semester opens: December 2 2020
- Evaluation II semester opens : April 20 2021
Final thesis discussion and proclamation
- Autumn Session 2019-2020
September 8 2020 - October 2 2020 - Special Session 2019-2020
March 1-19 2021 - Summer Session a.y. 2020-2021
May 17 - June 18 2021
Academic Year 2019/2020
- Lessons, first semester (including make-up lessons)
Semptember 30 2019 – December 21 2019 - Lessons, second semester (including make-up lessons)
February 10 2020 to 30 May 2020 - Holiday break
Christmas 23 December 2019 - 6 January 2020
Easter 9 April 2020 - 14 April 2020 - Exams
Winter Session January 7 2020 - February 8 2020
Summer Session June 1 2020 - July 24 2020
Autumn Session 2019-2020 August 31 2020- September 30 2020 - Laboratories Results
June 6 2020
September 5 2020 - Edumeter Evaluation
Evaluation I semester opens: December 2 2019
Evaluation II semester opens : April 20 2020 - Final thesis discussion and proclamation
Summer Session a.y. 2019-2020
July 6 - July 17 2020
Academic Year 2018/2019
September 3 2018-September 29 2018 |
Exams |
October 1 2018 – December 22 2018 |
Lessons, first semester (including make-up lessons) |
November 5 2018 – November 23 2018 | Autumn session, thesis dissertations (2017/2018)* |
January 7 2019 – February 8 2019 | Exams |
February 11 2019 – May 25 2019 | Lessons, second semester (including make-up lessons) |
March 4 2019 – March 22 2019 | Additional dissertation session* |
February 11 2019 – May 25 2019 | Laboratories** |
July 8 2019 – July 19 2019 | Summer session undergraduate and Graduate dissertations |
By September 6 2019 | Second Summer session, only undergraduate dissertations |
May 26 – July 26 2019 | Exams |
September 2 2019 - September 28 2019 |
Exams |
November 4 2019 - November 22 2019
Autumn session, thesis dissertations (2018/2019)* |
March 2 2020- March 20 2020
Extraordinary session a.y. 2018-2019 |
After having completed their career plan, students can consult the updated class schedule on App MyUniTO+*During the discussion period the other teaching activities continue according to the planned schedule
** It is possible that for educational/organizational reasons some laboratories are also activated during the lessons period
After having completed their career plan, students can consult the updated class schedule on App MyUniTO+
Class schedule, First semester
Class schedule, second semester
Schedule of laboratories (The laboratories will take place in the second semester)
Where the classrooms are
See the map to know find out where the classrooms are
Classroom bookings
To book classrooms, contact
Italian credits
The italian credits CFU (Crediti Formativi Universitari) are ECTS compatible, so you can consider that 1 CFU = 1 ECTS.
Almost all exams at the Department of Psychology are oral, but often there is a written pre-exam (called Esonero) that can be a multiple choice test, a test with open questions or a composition.
For every course there are three sessions throughout the year during which you can sit exams.
You will have to sign up for the exam at least one week in advance.
The procedure is in italian and at the following link you have a step by step guide that explains you how to register online for exams (Appelli)
The calendar of the exams is posted on the bulletinboard of the Punto Informativo at Palazzo Badini, via Verdi 10, or on the Website, in the section Appelli.
In our Department all courses are taught in Italian. However, some professors provide Erasmus students with an English/other languages bibliography.
As lectures and assessment are in Italian we strongly reccomend students to attend an Italian course for foreigners.
Important notice on examinations: unlike other universities in Europe, Italian universities require the student's attendance during the grade registration process. Grade registration is done immediately after the student has sat through the relevant "appello" (examination session). No grades can be officially registered otherwise.
Grading scale
In Italy, university grading scale goes from 18 (sufficient) up to 30 and "30 e lode" (excellent).
The minimum pass grade is 18. Lode (magna cum laude) is awarded for exceptionally good performance.
Conversion: Italian grading scale - ECTS grading scale
University of Turin |
18;19;20 |
21;22;23;24 |
25;26;27 |
28;29 |
30; 30 Lode |
ECTS grading scale |
E |
D |
C |
B |
A |
- ECTS grading scale:
A Excellent: outstanding performance with few minor errors.
B Very good: above the average standard with some errors.
C Good: good work in general with a certain number of errors.
D Satisfactory: fair but with significant shortcomings.
E Sufficient: performance meets the minimum criteria.
FX Fail: some work is required before the credit can be awarded.
F Fail: considerable further work is required. - Italian Grading Scale:
Excellent: 30 e lode - 30
Very Good: 29 - 28
Good: 27 - 25
Satisfactory: 24 - 21
Sufficient: 20 - 18
Fail:0 - 17
In the Department of Psychology all courses are taught in Italian, however some teachers provide students with an English/other languages bibliography. You can choose to study english/other languages or regular bibliography.
For your safety, we recommend to check bibliography with the teacher.
Body and Mind Sciences is part of NENS, the Network of European Neuroscience Schools that represents over 160 graduate schools and programmes that offer MSc, PhD and MD-PhD degrees in Neuroscience.
NENS network across approximately 30 Countries in Europe and possesses the most comprehensive online source of information on neuroscience graduate education, schools and programmes in Europe, displayed by the NENS Programme Directory.
For more information about the Network
Erasmus Office of the Department of Psychology
deals with academic matters (courses and didactic)
E-mail: international.sciences@
Phone: (+39) 011 6702607
Fax: (+39) 011 6702777
Erasmus Referent teacher of the Department of Psychology, Emanuela Rabaglietti
For Erasmus students: On arrival you have to head at Infopoint office to formally register your Erasmus period:
At the end of your studies at the University of Turin you have to contact the Infopoint to formally conclude your Erasmus.
Infopoint will give you the certificate of stay, the transcript of records and, if you have passed the final exam, a certificate of the Erasmus Italian Language Course.
For further information visit the exchange-students-and-erasmus-mobility page in
International Students Desk - Mobility and International Didactics Office
deals with Visas, formal requirements and enrolment for foreign students or students with foreign previous degree.
Erasmus students head here to to formally conclude the Erasmus period for the certificate of stay, the transcript of records and, if you have passed the final exam, a certificate of the Erasmus Italian Language Course.
Vicolo Benevello, 3A 10124 Torino How to reach us
For information about opening hours, check the International student desk
Information office
Provides information about the didactics and the organization of the Course
Via Verdi 10, 10124 Turin How to reach us
Monday and Thursday 10.00 am - 1.00 pm
Tuesday 10.00 am-1.00 pm / 4.00 pm- 5.30 pm
Wednesday 11.00 am- 2.00 pm
International students can get useful information about accommodations, Italian language courses, services etc.
For facilities services aimed to ease the studies, the attendance and the every day life for students
For other useful information see the Contacs page in Unito